How You Can Get Involved
By land, by sea, your vessel,
or your skills
CWAC NEW Software
App. Become a member and Download CWAC Virtual Badge APP from Play store. Be propelled into a new amazing venture 'Cruising with a Cause'.
With CWAC Virtual Badge, we put real time information in the hands of those who make a difference! Get your Badge of Membership and be part of the solution. NOW!
The need for data to coordinate efforts in any Cruise With A CAUSE effort is so important. The goal is to support island coastal communities through all three stages of relief, humanitarian, and conservation needs . The CWAC APP from Virtual Badge allows individuals or vessels to download an application that provides vital information for security, as well as a data collection and analysis, locations of supplies and resources.
The process to get a badge includes downloading the application, creating an account. Choose Cruising With A Cause from list of organizations. Then choose your type of badge; CWAC Cause Project Coordinator, Cruiser, Volunteer, Lead CWAC Yacht; Answer the questions for the credential (yacht information, safety information). It will say the badge is pending for approval. It is approved.
Now you can build a float plan choosing volunteer opportunities along your itinerary; Download research guidelines for Birding; Mammal sightings; Sargasso weed, plastic, debris observations, or reef check. Begin to log information daily from your experience 'Cruising with a Cause' and help us to identify community needs along your cruising path.
Identify or choose to be a Cause Project Coordinator and upload a volunteer need or project in an island coastal community,blog your experiences, let us know what you are seeing.
Your submitted forms are geo-positioned where you submit them. As soon as you are in reach of WiFi, the information is downloaded providing valuable information to the central relief, overall projects, and research. Your organization can have their own badges, the data and analysis specialized to your needs.
CWAC is not a relief organization... our goal is to follow up on the needs of island coastal communities and developing a process for efficiently gathering and sharing information is vital to the success of island coastal communities. With the help of Eagles Wings Disaster Solutions, we are making that happen. Please join us, as a member or as a vessel in a particular project. Let us help you Cruise With A Cause!